In connection with the firearms training during a training session of the Prabin Togadiya-led Rashtriya Bajrang Dal in Mangaldai Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MMVM), a private school in Mangaldai, Mangaldai.
Darrang Police arrested the Principal of Mangaldai Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MMVM), Hemanta Kr Payeng and office assistant Ratan Das in connection with the sensational fire arms training conducted by.
Initial reports suggest the presence of around five terrorists and the army truck is believed to have been attacked from three different sides. After the ambush, the terrorists possibly used grenades as well as sticky bombs that set the vehicle ablaze
At least 12 people were detained on Friday for questioning in connection with the deadly ambush of five army soldiers in the dense forest area of Bata Doriya here even as a MI helicopter, drones and sniffer dogs were pressed into service in a massive manhunt for the perpetrators of last afternoon s attack.
drones and sniffer dogs were used and a mi chopper conducted a recee of the dense forest area of bata-doriya in poonch on friday in a massive manhunt for the terrorists who killed five army personnel and injured one the day before. meanwhile, at least 12 people were detained for questioning. officials said that those detained were being questioned at various levels by the security forces to ascertain the identity of the terror group, which is believed to be active in the area for more than a year and probab