Mumbai Mudrak Sangh (MMS) hosted the seventh edition of its roundtable conference on 5 April 2024 at MCA Club, BKC, Mumbai. Guided by an industrial specialist and a printing expert, eleven stalwarts convene at ‘The Circle of Print’ to discuss bespoke digital printing.
Our industry has an overall 90:10 gender split in leadership positions. The ratio is improving in pre-media, publishing and media. Can we do more to address the gender imbalance in the industry?
Charmiane Alexander talks to top-tier talent on International Women s Day
Aarti Laxmanan, Uflex Limited
Gender inequality and the pandemic
Gender inequalities have always existed, but what the pandemic did was to bring out conversations to highlight these inequalities. Women have played an important role, but it largely remained unacknowledged, and now with the pandemic, companies have taken steps to ensure that they can provide tools that will support them. But of course, this is just one aspect, where we are speaking about women in the corporate world. There are countless women, who as the primary caregiver of their family, lost their livelihood and were left in the lurch due to the pandemic, and this is still left unaddressed.