Iraqi and international scholars at a forum in Baghdad discussed ways for tackling the widespread issue of corruption that marred the country since the US-UK invasion and occupation in 2003.
secretary. something is happening outside. the sky cans over baghdad have been illuminated. we re seeing bright flashes going off all over the sky. we re getting star bursts in the black sky. the significance in journalism terms was it was the first time you had extensive live coverage of the war. our office was on the ninth floor of the rasheed hotel. we were one of the tallest buildings in baghdad, so we knew whatever was going to. happen, we would be able to see the drama. the military offensive overnight has been described as the largest, strongest attack in history. clearly, i have never been there, but it feels like we are in the center of hell. saddam hussein in an address to the iraqi people and arab nation says the mother of all wars has started. we told you earlier in the week
something is happening outside. the skies over baghdad have been illuminated. we re seeing bright flashes going off all over the sky. we re getting star bursts in the black sky. the significance in journalism terms was it was the first time you had extensive live coverage of the war. our office was on the ninth floor of the rasheed hotel. we were one of the tallest buildings in baghdad, so we knew whatever was going to happen, we would be able to see the drama. the military offensive overnight has been described as the largest, strongest attack in history. clearly, i have never been there, but it feels like we are in the center of hell. saddam hussein in an address to the iraqi people and arab nation says the mother of all wars has started. we told you earlier in the week