charges. when mr. johnson was initially pulled in to the program, he was not charged with murder and we did not know that this was coming, but since it s here now, we have to deal with it now. johnson will face charges including murder, aggravated assault, and carjacking together with his co-defendants rashard mosley and johnson s cousin, la quan brown. brown said she was reluctant to talk to the police but decided to tell them about her cousin s role in the murder. according to brown, she, mosley, and johnson had asked a friend for a ride and johnson surprised them all by pulling a gun and robbing the driver. she says when the victim tried to flee the car, johnson shot him in the leg, and he later died. i think it was his intentions to kill him. he don t have no remorse. i m sitting here now and he ruined everything. i feel like it s my fault. i do feel like it s my fault because i brought him with me, but i didn t think that was
it made me sad not to have anybody there that i wanted to share that moment with. while he couldn t be there with the ultrasound, brown was able to share the photos with the baby s father, rashard mosley. that s a picture of the little girl s face and hands or whatever. she s throwing up her hands like the peace sign, throwing both her hands up. i be happy. that s the only thing i can be happy at. at the same time i be looking at like, if i don t get to be with her, that s really going to kill me. mosley and brown have pled not guilty to multiple charges including murder during an alleged carjacking. brown says she and mosley were only passengers in the car and it was her cousin who acted alone killing a driver during a botched carjacking attempt. they are saying that i was present. but other than that they don t really have anything. my baby daddy, he was with me
he knows me. and they charged him. with my cousin, i don t know if he got charged. brown says she thinks it s unfair that she and mosley are taking the charges for a crime she says her cousin committed. nobody s really at fault. for you to be my first cousin and i m pregnant and you let me be in here on these charges when you know you did it, it s like everybody couldn t have been the murderer, everybody couldn t have pulled the trigger, so everybody shouldn t sit in here on the same one charge. mosley denies any involvement of the crime, but the code of the streets means he wouldn t snitch on anybody else even if he had the information. if they don t going to find out by themselves, they ain t going to find out from me. mosley says he expects brown to follow the same as well. my little soldier. she is going to tighten up. she is doing time, she s going to be all right. right now she has to tough it up and ride it on out.
who was found dead outside his home in london on christmas day. the singer died from heart failure. he was just 53 years old. celebrities are shocked by the news. mc hammer tweeted stunned, george michael a talented and gentle soul, may you rest in god s peace. now it s back to lock up. due to mature subject matter, viewer direction is advised. behind the walls of the chatham county detention center, in savanna, georgia, rashard mosley and his co-defendant la quan brown are awaiting charges for charges in a series of carjacks that left one man dead. mosley says he is innocent and that his experience on the streets and in jail have left him asking questions about the meaning of his life. i wonder why we re put out here in this world.
know. i really don t know what the case may be. were you guys close? she s my first cousin. she got a weak mind and other stuff bothering her like that, that s messed up, this situation right here. so family ain t [ bleep ]. sad to say, but that s how it is. i haven t talked to keith since we been in here but i will write him because he s still my cousin, you know. i ll write him. if he decides to write back, that s what he does. but if he don t even if brown is not convicted of murder, she still faces charges for two other unrelated carjackings, one of which involves her boyfriend rashard mosley, who s also the father of her unborn child, but for now brown says she s only concerned with the birth of her baby. i m just excited. i just want to see her face. i m not in mommy mode yet.