Who sail on her. Mary winnefeld is the ships sponsor, and now considered an honorary crew member. It was up to her to send the sioux city on its way. With one swing. Nats of launch now in the water, work will begin to finish the ship, which is about 80percent complete. The sioux citys executive officer, ken lieberman, says the crew cant wait to get aboard. To be here since the beginning, since it was born, and see it being built the last yearandhalf, and to now see it go into the water sitting in its natural habitat to start its trials is truly and honor and an amazing experience, said cdr ken over the next 10 to 12 months the uss sioux city will undergo what are called builders trials at marinette marine. The first step is to get inside, and check the hull to make sure its secure. After the builders trials come acceptance trials. If all goes according to plan, the uss sioux city should be sold off the to navy in 2017. robert matt, i know youve been going nonstop the past few days. Alo
Breen, reporting. Saturday, another milestone. The christening. A ceremonial breaking of a champagne bottle on the ships bow. The champagne bottle gets broken, but this day is about the bonding. The bonding between the sponsor of the ship and the crew, howard said. For the United States of america, i christen thee sioux city, said mary winnefeld, uss sioux city sponsor. May god bless this ship and all who sail on her. Mary winnefeld is the ships sponsor, and now considered an honorary crew member. It was up to her to send the sioux city on its way. With one swing. Nats of launch now in the water, work will begin to finish the ship, which is about 80percent complete. The sioux citys executive officer, ken lieberman, says the crew cant wait to get aboard. To be here since the beginning, since it was born, and see it being built the last yearandhalf, and to now see it go into the water sitting in its natural habitat to start its trials is truly and honor and an amazing experience, said cd
Ford says he wasnt home yesterday when the Prince Georges County Police Department pulled a 7yearold boy from the pond. A Police Spokesperson says the boy was playing in the area and walked onto the ice before he fell through and drowned. Its such a sad thing to happen this time of year. The new years coming and the family has to bury their child. Its just sad. Reporter a woman who tells channel 9 shes a friend of the victims father posted photos to instagram, saying this is the young victim. 7yearold zaquan antonio white. At a next door apartment complex . If hurts. I have to figure out something to tell my child. This is a little boy that he comes outside with and plays with on a daily basis. Reporter miss henderson did not want to show her face on camera, but tells us i told my son to stay away from the pond. Reporter neighbors tell us the pond did have a small fence, but that it was recently reconstructed. Fence or no fence, fire crews say especially in this weather, any waterway i