per day. we africa has about 153 confirmed rapes er da . ~ ~ ., africa has about 153 confirmed rapes erda .~ ,, ., ., ., , africa has about 153 confirmed rapes erda .~ ,, ., ., ., per day. we know that only one in nine are reported per day. we know that only one in nine are reported in per day. we know that only one in nine are reported in the per day. we know that only one in nine are reported in the country. i nine are reported in the country. when nine are reported in the country. when it nine are reported in the country. when it comes to convictions of rapes. when it comes to convictions of rapes. it when it comes to convictions of rapes. it is when it comes to convictions of rapes, it is less than 5% of successful convictions. murder is less than successful convictions. murder is less than 10% conviction rate. so it is a massive less than 10% conviction rate. so it is a massive success, even after such is a massive success, even after such a is a massive succ