Local businesses in Carbondale can show their support for survivors of<br/>sexual assault during the first annual Paint the Town Teal campaign.<br/>It’s put on by Rape Crisis Services of the Survivor Empowerment Center<br/>for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.<br/><br/>Staff members are looking for businesses interested in having their<br/>storefront windows painted with teal paint to raise community<br/>awareness of sexual violence. Survivor Empowerment Center will<br/>provide all materials, and staff and volunteers will paint.<br/><br/>If your business is interested in participating, you can reach out to<br/>Lakota Myers, the Rape Prevention Educator,<br/>at preventioneducator@empoweringsurvivors.org or call (618) 549-<br/>4807, ext. 249 no later than Friday, April 5th.<br/><br/>Volunteers interested in helping can contact us, as well.<br/>