A kidnapping drama unfolds with a ransom demand of Rs 50 lakh. The ICICI Bank manager was rescued by Faridabad Police. The bank manager, based in Delhi, was abducted from his residence in Faridabad on April 21, prompting an intense search by the police.
A ransomware gang, identifying itself as the Mogilevich group, claims to have infiltrated Epic Games' servers, gaining access to a trove of sensitive data.
Pennsylvania's state courts agency said Thursday that it never received a ransom demand as part of a cyberattack that briefly shut down some of its online services earlier this month and prompted a federal investigation. The attack, called a “denial of services” attack, on the website of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts disabled some online portals and systems that were all fully restored this week, officials said. A courts agency spokesperson said officials there never received a ransom demand from the attackers, never had any communication with the attackers and never paid anything to meet any sort of demand.
Pennsylvania's state courts agency said Thursday that it never received a ransom demand as part of a cyberattack that briefly shut down some of its online services earlier this month and prompted a federal investigation. The attack, called a “denial of services” attack, on the website of the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts disabled some online portals and systems that were all fully restored this week, officials said. A courts agency spokesperson said officials there never received a ransom demand from the attackers, never had any communication with the attackers and never paid anything to meet any sort of demand.