Rolla, Mo. On Thursday, December 9th, Eleven Point District Ranger Matt Dillon signed a Decision Memo authorizing construction of the Greer Mill Trail. The one-mile hiking trail will provide Forest visitors access to the historic Greer Mill, a unique and well-preserved roller mill, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The trail will branch off the existing Greer Spring Trail near the trailhead and roughly parallel Missouri State Highway 19 to the west. Greer Spring Trail is located on the west side of Missouri Highway 19 about eight miles north of Alton, MO, one mile south of the Highway 19 bridge over the Eleven Point River. The new trail will avoid sensitive natural resource sites as it traverses the rolling hills and mature oak-hickory forest. The trail will allow visitors to safely, and conveniently, park in the existing trailhead parking area and walk to admire the mill. Multiple Forest Service employees worked together to plan the trail; and this project