Tamil Nadu School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi has drawn flak over the reported appointment of a person with right-wing ties as the CEO of the government-run educational channel, Kalvi TV.People have taken to Twitter and by early .
When a reported asked Annamalai a question which he refused to answer, the state BJP president insinuated, yet again, that the Tamil media is under the control of the ruling DMK.
With the festive of Tamil New Year around the corner, Colors Tamil, announces an interesting line up of content as families come together on this auspicious occasion. Tune into Colors Tamil, this Tamil New Year, 14th April, Thursday starting with The
With the festive of Tamil New Year around the corner, Colors Tamil, announces an interesting line up of content as families come together on this auspicious occasion. Tune into Colors Tamil, this Tamil New Year, 14th April, Thursday starting with The