Speed limit change finds middle ground
Rochester City Council establishes 25 mph cutoff for changes on residential streets and gives city engineer the authority to set speed limits. 10:00 pm, Dec. 14, 2020 ×
A speed-limit sign alerts drivers on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, along 11th Avenue Northeast in Rochester. (Traci Westcott / twestcott@postbulletin.com)
Rochester’s city engineer was given the authority to set city speed limits Monday, but he was also told not to move too fast.
In approving an ordinance change that allows the city engineer to make adjustments based on an established criteria, the Rochester City Council also passed a resolution that does not allow speeds to be set below 25 mph on existing residential streets.
Rochester hires its new City Administrator
Alison Zelms
Posted: Dec 14, 2020 4:44 PM
Posted By: Mike Bunge
ROCHESTER, Minn. – The City Council has approved the employment contract for new City Administrator Alison Zelms.
“It is clear that Rochester is an excellent community to live, work and visit. I am excited to collaborate with the Mayor and City Council, work with the City team and engage residents. Moving forward together, we can advance the City’s strategic priorities while planning for the future through a shared long-range vision,” says Zelms. “In addition to being the home to the best hospital in the world, Rochester has much to be proud of and plenty of opportunities ahead.”