veterans affairs hospitals. trace? bryan llenas live in hollywood. thanks, bryan. yeah, there is as we said breaking news out of hollywood floor. officials from the hospital giving an update after eight patients died. the facility lost some power after hurricane irma and investigators say the air conditioning wasn t working. nursing home officials reached out to first responders. officials from memorial healthcare system are now speaking. let s listen. we made the calls, we implemented our mass casualty protocols. we were able to get people over here and help evacuate the patients in the building. thank you, judy. we re going to turn it over to dr. katz that will speak about the emergency department that morning. good afternoon. i m dr. randy katz.
were out of commission. so the collect was on and the air conditioner was on when you left last night? not the not from the generator. reporter: the surviving residents of the rehabilitation center hollywood hills had been evacuated to mechanmorial regio hospital. a dozen are in critical condition tonight. dr. randy katz is head of the emergency care unit at mem wall. he says at least 50 of his employees ran to the nursing home after being called for help. the scene was chaotic when i arrived. we had 115 at least 115 patients that we were trying to evacuate and bring to safety. reporter: this woman s mother is a patient in the nursing home. were you in there this week? yes. yesterday. i come every day. you were here yesterday. yeah. what was the today? reporter: millions of floridians are still without power and with temperatures in the 90s the health risks