Billy Don Wainscott is the racetrack outrider at the nearest racetrack to Carson City Cal Expo in Sacramento. It s a very tough and sometimes dangerous job. Billy Don has to work under many types of weather conditions.His job is vital to the safety of harness drivers their racehorses, and everyone trackside.
Surrounded by small flags, empty gun shells, pioneer headstones and a poignant hand written card from an old girlfriend, where she wrote to him "it had been over forty years, I finally found you" is the grave marker of a Carson City Vietnam veteran, Sgt. Daniel Ackerman, who died in combat. His body is buried at the old pioneer Empire Cemetery.
Billy Don Wainscott is the racetrack outrider at the nearest racetrack to Carson City Cal Expo in Sacramento. It s a very tough and sometimes dangerous job. Billy Don has to work under many types of weather conditions.His job is vital to the safety of harness drivers their racehorses, and everyone trackside.