the little boy handed of the parachute back to the priest and said not to worry, father, the smartest man in the world just took off with my backpacked. [laughter] let me talk briefly about my new book, quote cohen in defense of thomas jefferson. thank you for coming. i really appreciate that. i believe my book once and for all proves that the saudi sally story is certainly not historical fact or science. in mauney view it reflects recycled in accuracy that has metastasized book to book from over 200 years. let me preface my remarks by saying i am not a professional historian like merrill peterson. i am not a jeffersonian scholar. the past 26, 27 years, my expertise has been in the courtroom persuading juries, giving the most persuasive arguments, persuading evidence to a jury. so as a civil litigator i tried to analyze and research every scholarly book, article, a committee report, 18th-century letter and ancillary material relevant to the single inflammatory subject of w