Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Olathe, Crestwood Village emerges as a beacon of celebratory living, ushering in the New Year with an unmatched blend of opulence and contemporary charm. Perched strategically at the convergence of 129th Terrace and Black Bob Road, Crestwood Village invites residents to step into a world where the spirit of festivities meets the tranquility of a well-curated haven.
In your quest for a new home, you’ll discover two exceptional options that offer a unique living experience within their distinct neighborhoods. Let’s begin our exploration with Sunnybrook Villas and Crestwood Village, where convenience and natural beauty merge seamlessly.
Experience a lifestyle like no other in Olathe’s finest villa home community, Crestwood Village, where a fresh and innovative concept of maintenance-provided living awaits. Nestled within the rolling landscape, this exceptional community introduces paired villas thoughtfully designed to harmonize with the natural terrain, ensuring outdoor privacy for each residence while creating an intriguing streetscape that enchants the entire neighborhood.