Randeep Hooda Marriage Pics: Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda and his long-time companion, Lin Laishram, took a significant step in their journey of love and commitment, as they tied the knot in a traditional Meitei wedding ceremony held at the picturesque Chumthang Shannapung resort in Imphal. The couple shared the joyous news with fans on Wednesday through heartfelt Instagram posts.
The secrecy around their relationship was lifted when Lin made her debut on Randeep s social media. In 2021, he shared a birthday post featuring Lin, marking the beginning of their love story.
The first glimpses of Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram, dressed in traditional Manipuri ensembles, are finally out. The couple is getting married in Imphal.
From baraat to the traditional wedding ceremony- Watch the first glimpses of Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram wedding, dressed in traditional Manipuri attires in Imphal.
The first glimpses of Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram, dressed in traditional Manipuri ensembles, are finally out. The couple is getting married in Imphal.