a lot more about this story as well, can you imagine, he probably can t wait to get his hands on his daughter and give her a big hug and kiss. thank god she s okay. you bet. i want to get you up to speed for this wednesday, january 25th. an american woman and a danish man are free today after being kidnapped in somalia. now, u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s they swooped in, killed the people holding them hostage and brought them out safely. jessica buchanan was in somalia helping remove land mines when she and her fellow worker were snatched in october. now, before anybody knew about this top secret special forces mission last night, president obama congratulated his defense secretary in the state of the union crowd. leon, good job tonight. good job tonight. cnn has now confirmed that the special forces team involved last night was the same from the same unit that actually took out osama bin laden last year. the navy s awesome s.e.a.l. team six, we are live from the pentagon w