Karnataka's Anushka Thokur and West Bengal's Adriyan Karmakar comfortably clinched the girls and boys 50m Rifle 3-position gold medals respectively in the 6th Khelo India Youth Games 2023 at the Guru Nanak College shooting range.Chennai, Jan .
Karnataka's Anushka Thokur and West Bengal's Adriyan Karmakar comfortably clinched the girls and boys 50m Rifle 3-position gold medals respectively in the 6th Khelo India Youth Games 2023 at the Guru Nanak College shooting range here on .
Karnataka's Anushka Thokur and West Bengal's Adriyan Karmakar comfortably clinched the girls' and boys' 50m Rifle 3-position gold medals respectively in the 6th Khelo India Youth Games 2023 at the Guru Nanak College shooting range here on .