The Samajwadi Party (SP) is facing an existential crisis three decades after its formation as it prepares for bypolls in Mainpuri Lok Sabha and Rampur Sadar Assembly seats both its strongholds on December 5. Despite trying several political experiments, the SP has failed to stop the BJP’s juggernaut in Uttar Pradesh. Now, the BJP, as it showed by winning bypolls in the SP
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Lucknow, Oct 28: The Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly Secretariat today announced the disqualification of Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan from the House, a day after a court sentenced him to three years in jail in a hate speech case. Principal Secretary of the UP Legislative Assembly Pradeep Dubey said that the Assembly Secretariat declared the Rampur Sadar Assembly seat as vacant. “A vacancy has been declared by the UP Vidhan Sabha Secretariat consequent upon the disqualification due to the judgment […]