you going to get all theseofe ar illegals out of our country that we are footine footg the bl for? right. so so we have incredible peopler ,these these people thatk work for us , the toughest people. and they love our country and the border patrol people are incredible. brandon judd is one of the top people, as you he s a fantastic guy. brandon and tom bowman. .how about tom bowman? he s just and we have the people. ave to g we have to get this cleaned upt. fast. we have to get a step. we had it stopped and the drugs now are twelve times more . think of it twelve times more than they were three years ago. and the human trafficking ind th women, because it s 95% women,n the human trafficking has gone through the roof because they just come acrossac the border like it s open now. nobody stops and nobody we had it really done. you know, i got mexico to gives8 us twenty eight thousand soldiers to stop. and they ey said to me, you know, mr.
to a state by state.ul they re stopping it.d thin b but you would thine k that woul be something that wouldn t evens be up for discussion. i acum tired of the globalis. in this world . i mean, america, you know, for example, we re back in the paris paris climate accords. we pay the bulk of money bulk. china and india are classified as developing nations. ns the world economic forum, the united nations. we pay the vast amount of money for all of these groups. so many times they are anti america. they want american money. nt they want redistribution of american wealth. althyou support pulling out of those globalist groups. so globali i ve been saying it a a long time and i did something about it. nato , you take a look at nato , where we re one ofw twenty eight now it s thirty one of twenty eight countries. and i got in and i said on, wela wait a minute,ying f we re paying for almost the whole thing. and , you know, mostly europe. too it s europe for the most part. and they took
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the story, you ve heard it. but i said, mr. president , who i like a lot, but he s au he socialist. you can have everything i said, mr. president . you havegive to give us us twet eight thousand soldiers. t and hewh said y , why wouldaue i do that? i said, because you re sendingo and you re allowing people to come into our country. this is while the wa countryr ig built. you re allowing people to come into our country and you can t c do that.ome can t.and they re coming from guatemala and el salvador. they re coming frotemalam all to different they re coming really from all over the world. sat to dod , you ve gorl it. no, no, nol not , i will not do. and he sent his representative . i said, you will do it. and the reason you re goingo to do it, because if you don tp do it, we re going to put eve a twenty five percent tariff on every single thing you sendrp into our country. utand that s going to be much more money than your soldiers, believe me. that s goingiers. to be likeest the gr