RAPID CITY, S.D.- Brothers Elias Condon (age 24) and Jordan Condon (age 22) of Rapid City were convicted of Conspiracy to Distribute a Controlled Substance on May 24th.
Lt. Col. Ramon Morales Padilla, “Ray,” passed away on December 29th at the age of 89. He was currently a resident of Decatur, AL, formerly of Waterloo, AL. Survivors include his children: Jenny Goldman (Teresa), Frank Padilla (Kat), Phil Padilla, Jim England, Delanna Padilla Pennington (David) and Pilar Padilla (Liz). Grandchildren: Brandon, Stephanie, Ryan, Blake, Peirce and Grey.
Friends who became his family: Wendy Keeler, Terry Robaina and Julie Douglas, Kristen Davis and Weston.
Ray Padilla was born on September 1, 1931 in Los Angeles, CA to Felipe Rosales Padilla and Adela Morales Padilla. He participated in ROTC throughout high school and joined the U.S. Army on September 14, 1949 and arrived in Korea on August 5, 1950 assigned as a Rifleman to the 1st Platoon, Company L (Love Company), 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division located in the Pusan Perimeter. He fought in The Battle of Hill 296, one of the bloodiest battles in the Korean War. They