So far the only remotely in-depth and critical review of Political Ponerology I've found is this one, from the keyboard of Ramon Glazov, written in 2020: "(((Bearded schizoidal fanatics))): pathologising character in the Trump era." I haven't run.
Some Roman writers are very well-known, notably Virgil, who wrote the Aeneid; Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher-king who, when not ruling the empire, wrote
Science Has Never Been Settled
I saw this video on Facebook yesterday, and could not help but draw a bead from ancient Rome and modern Western medicine. Medicine has always fought new science when it challenged their dearly held beliefs. Few groups know this better than the biomedical and vaccine injury autism community. Vesalius had to combat some 1300 years of Galen of Pergamon s work, which was considered the gold standard of scientific belief. But the video is just 5 minutes long.
From TedEd: Learn about the Greek physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon, whose experiments and discoveries changed medicine. In the 16th century, an anatomist named Andreas Vesalius made a shocking discovery: the most famous human anatomy texts in the world were wrong. While Vesalius knew he was right, announcing the errors would mean challenging Galen of Pergamon. Who was this towering figure? And why was he still revered and feared 1,300 years later? Ramon Glazov profiles the most