CBI has filed a charge sheet against YSR Congress MP Raghu Ramkrishna Raju and 15 other individuals and companies in connection with alleged loan fraud case of Rs 947 crore with Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC), other lenders, officials said.
‘A probe will reveal the conspiracy behind the episode’
Accusing Narsapuram MP K. Raghu Ramkrishna Raju, who is facing sedition charges and hate speech, of enacting a drama to malign the State government, YSRCP Rajampet MP Peddyreddi Midhun Reddy has said that a detailed investigation would reveal the conspiracy behind the entire episode.
“The conspirators and instigators of the MP will be exposed soon,” Mr. Midhun Reddy, along with party MPs Lavu Sri Krishnadevarayalu and V. Balashowry, told the media at the YSRCP Central Party Office here on Monday.
Refuting the allegations of custodial violence made by the Narsapuram MP, Mr. Midhun Reddy pointed out that the medical board constituted by the Andhra Pradesh High Court found no new injuries on the body of Mr. Ramkrishna Raju.