MS Dhoni Is Back In Chennai: The expectations for the LGM film event to be held today have risen. Similarly, Dhoni, who was injured during the IPL series, underwent surgery in Mumbai. Now that Dhoni has fully recovered from the injury, he is also expected to give an update on playing in the next season of the IPL.
Former captain of Team India ms dhoni Reached Chennai on Sunday, two days after his birthday, where Chennai Super Kings (CSK) The captain was given a warm | BLiTZ
Chennai Super Kings captain and cricket legend M.S. Dhoni will debut as producer with the Tamil movie 'Let's Get Married', or 'LGM', and its first official teaser is out.It was officially announced last October that the cricketer was all set to .
Chennai Super Kings captain and cricket legend M S Dhoni will debut as producer with the Tamil movie 'Let's Get Married', or 'LGM' with its first official teaser out.