The Rating Committee of ICRA, after due consideration has retained the long-term Rating of ICRA AA- and a short-term Rating of ICRA A1+. Outlook on the longterm Rating is Stable.
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The Board of Directors of RAMCO Industries Limited, at its meeting held today have approved the financial results of the company for the period ended December 31, 2022 - Q3FY23 and 9MFY23.
The Board of Directors of Ramco Industries Ltd has approved the proposal for subscription to 16,42,335 equity shares under the Preferential Issue of Ramco Systems Limited at an issue price of Rs.274/- per share.
The Board of Directors of Ramco Industries Limited, at its meeting held today have approved the financial results of the company for the period ended September 30, 2022 - Q2FY23 and H1FY23.