MANGALURU: In its efforts to popularise kambala or buffalo race the traditional sport of Tulunadu a Bengaluru-based travel agency is offering an exclusive ‘Kambala Holiday Package’ to Bengalureans. A group of 10 persons will be part of the two-day package. They will attend Rama-Lakshmana Jodukere Kambala held at Goldfinch City, on March 6.
Ravi M, managing director Arjun Tours and Travels Private Limited, who was fascinated by the traditional sport of coastal Karnataka is offering the Kambala package. “The idea struck me when a friend who recently attended a kambala posted a few mesmerizing pictures of the traditional sport. I wondered why can’t we promote this to those outside coastal Karnataka as well foreigners. I spoke to kambala organiser Captain Brijesh Chowta and came with a two-day kambala package targeting Bengalureans,” he told TOI.