The Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) has prohibited the use of water for washing of vehicles, fountains and gardening, and has also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 for violation amid a crisis in Bengaluru.
Bengaluru: Bangalore, often hailed as 'India's Silicon City', is currently grappling with a dire water crisis, worsened by an unprecedented dry spell. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), Bangaloreans will have to endure maximum temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius today, with a 14-degree Celsius gap between the minimum temperature, which stands at 21 degrees Celsius. Skymet Weather reports minimal rainfall this season, with just 2 mm recorded in early January and a complete absence of rain thereafter. With no anticipated rainfall for at least the next two weeks, Bengaluru residents are bracing themselves for further difficulties., Bengaluru News, Times Now