The action came after HT on August 31 highlighted how PWD’s internal probe had indicted officials. XEN and three junior engineers of PWD have been suspended, while four retired officials have been chargesheeted for giving undue advantage worth ₹11.5 crore to the contractor engaged by the department to construct a judicial complex in district headquarters at Nawanshahr
A woman has been arrested after she confessed to killing her husband with an axe and then chopping his body into five pieces in Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhut district.The woman tied her husband to a cot before cutting him into pieces.The deceased .
Ram Pal s wife, Dularo Devi, who had eloped with her husband s friend for a few days, returned to the village a month ago and informed her son about her husband s disappearance.
In a shocking incident, a woman in Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh tied her husband in a cot, killed him and cut the dead body into five pieces before dumping them in a canal.