In an interview, Chiranjeevi shared his wish to see Ram Charan and Janhvi Kapoor remake his hit film Jagadeka Veerudu Athiloka Sundari, reprising the roles he and Sridevi played, respectively.
Ram Charan Birthday 2024: As a treat to his fans, the actor dropped a new song from his upcoming film ‘Game Changer’, which also stars Kiara Advani.
Game Changer song 'Jaragandi': The lyric video of the track was released on Ram Charan's 39th birthday today. The over four-minute video also shines a spotlight on Kiara Advani.
Global Star Ram Charan was papped at the Hyderabad airport earlier today along with his wife Upasana and daughter Klin Kaara as they jetted off ahead of his birthday on March 27th.