The police in Maharashtra's Thane city have taken into custody three more persons over a financial crime that involved breaching the system of a payment gateway service provider and siphoning off Rs 25 crore.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The police in Maharashtra's Thane city have taken into custody three more persons over a financial crime that involved breaching the system of a payment gateway service provider and siphoning off Rs 25 crore, bringing the total number of arrests in the case to seven, an official said on Friday. India News | Three More Held over Hacking into Payment Gateway Service Provider's System.
The fraud came to light after a complaint was lodged in Thane’s Srinagar police station in April 2023, alleging that the system of a payment service provider was hacked into leading to the siphoning off of Rs 25 crore.
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