Admonished, and they dont like to follow the rules. I dont blame them i was a ram bing shoubunctious f but when i learned the rules i spurned them because i didnt believe they could help or because they cut off my upside, even if they cushioned the inevitable downside. In other words, the rules kept me from making a huge amount of money to keep me from losing big money when things went badly the house of pain the rules im discussing tonight keep you in the game, even when things are tough and you make those mistakes. [ buzzer ] the rules protect your own bad judgment about whats going on in the companies you own or whatever is happening in the market overall but if youre going to make money using stocks because you cant just get much of a return anywhere else these days, thats pretty much the case, youre going to have to work harder with your money to do so and that requires discipline discipline because once you start buying and selling stocks, you can make more mistakes than if you j