He is not here, for he has risen. MATTHEW 28:6 This revised chapter of my book Raised With Christ takes us deeper into the central Christian belief in the
Our worship should be, among other things, God-fearing (Eccl. 5) and bibliocentric (Neh. 8). In other words, our worship should be God-revering and Scripture-saturated.
Heather L. Hart
Out of Place: Christian community in 1 Peter and James
The green outline of his face was a caricature, the name inaccurate. Yet, we didn’t think twice about our school mascot, we were the “Indians.” We cheered his image at games and emblazoned his likeness on yearbooks. It was years later before I heard an Indigenous American Christian speak about her heartbreak at this type of appropriation of tribal culture. I was left reconsidering my perspective and my assumptions.
How does our Christian community live as God’s people when we are often either blind to appropriation or heartbroken at the pervasiveness of it? We are meant to embrace our unified identity as the people of God and help bring God’s purpose and blessing to the world, yet our experience of the world vastly differs.
Heather L. Hart
Jesus Saves: More Than Words
The United States is not a Christian nation. It is a nation with Christians. Expressing the Christian faith has been problematic in our history. This history includes both the affirmation and abolition of slavery. It includes the freedom of conscience and manifest destiny. It includes peaceful marches and non-disclosure agreements. And now, as of January 6, 2021, it includes signs at the political rally leading to the riot storming the Capitol building that read “Jesus Saves.”[1]
The truth that “Jesus Saves” is foundational to all Christians. Without Jesus we have no hope. As Christians, we recognize that the mess of the world is not something we can undo ourselves; only God can do that. Only Jesus, the divine-human mediator sent by God and guided by the Spirit, undoes our mess.