Mike Pride, whose love of language, gift for leadership and devotion to journalism lifted the Concord Monitor to national prominence during his quarter century as editor, died Monday in the company of his family in Florida. He was 76 and succumbed to.
Ralph Jimenez of Concord served on the Monitor editorial board. The first warning sign of dementia, as the ads that regularly interrupt the narrative of online newspaper and magazine copy urge me to explore, would be clicking on one of those ads. It’s.
Ralph Jimenez of Concord served on the Monitor editorial board. The agita over the potential completion of the northwest bypass past Concord Hospital has largely abated. The yard signs on the lawns of the parkway’s opponents have come down. Not so for.
Ralph Jimenez of Concord is a lifetime hunter, gun owner and is a member of the Monitor editorial board.The 18-year-old shooter who killed 19 elementary school students and two teachers last month in Uvalde, Texas, reportedly used a military-style.