work colleagues & associates. there are people that after an attack happens when hindsight is put into play, hindsight is 20/ 20 and the signs were there so it s up to individuals to be aware of the signs if somebody s behavior is changing or becoming rally callized or somebody is purchasing an arsenal of weaponry in a short period of time. these are things that should raise red flags and worth reporting in many cases to law enforcement and in some cases these individuals maybe on law enforcement s radar. neil: do you think it s a little outside what we agreed to talk about here but help me with my ignorance. obviously paddock had a lot of rounds of amunition, 1600 in his car, a thousand rounds of the am o that would light up where his weaponry with bullets in this case were going. he had 50 pounds of explosives, he had a number of fertilizer compounds and a lot of chemical names attached to them of course but bought in 50-pound