Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor rhightower@murraystate.edu Celebrating the legacy of Harry Lee Waterfield, the Department of Political Science and Sociology hosted its 44th annual Waterfield Distinguished Lecture. The lecture was hosted on April 14 in the Curris Center Ballroom, and recognized students within the Political Science and Sociology Department, awarded the…
Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor rhightower@murraystate.edu Offering a space where people can recognize “religious violence” but still experience joy and fun in these faith spaces, speaker Alicia Crosby led a discussion on these topics on April 4. The Episcopal Campus Ministry and the Department of English and Philosophy collaborated sponsoring the…
Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor rhightower@murraystate.edu Murray State alumnus Phillip Dishon has embarked on an award-winning entertainment career, drafting several critically acclaimed horror scripts. Dishon graduated from the Murray State Honors College with a major in journalism and electronic media and a minor in creative writing in 2007. Though Dishon later…
Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor rhightower@murraystate.edu The Murray State Mock Trial team has once again overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and brought home several awards in the virtual American Mock Trial Association Regional tournament. The competition was hosted on Zoom by Colorado College and the United States Air Force Academy on Feb.…
Raleigh Hightower Lifestyle Editor rhightower@murraystate.edu Art and Design students in Art 399, professional practices in art, have contributed a wide variety of art pieces to the Professional Blend XII exhibit. The Professional Blend exhibit is hosted every semester by the Department of Art and Design to provide students with an…