In the vologda region, Police Detained a group of possible cyber fraudsters. Here is footage of the special operation. The suspects decided to hide behind strong iron doors from unexpected guests. However, the Security Forces prepared for such a scenario. According to operatives, it was these citizens who, in the period from 2022 to 23, fraudulently obtained access to other peoples accounts on a single portal of public services. As soon as the victims personal data fell into the hands of the scammers, they received loans from microfinance. Death of people when a bus fell into the river, it was dzhehangir khalilov, the head of the motorcade of the enterprise that organized the transportation of passengers. It was he, according to investigators, who did not give the bus driver enough rest between shifts, which could have led to a terrible accident with details from andrei romanov. In the hall of the Oktyabrsky District Court of st. Petersburg, dzhehangir khalilov, investigators demand to