Adil Durrani also accused his ex-wife of recording him naked over a video call. Adil went on to say that Rakhi used the same tactic while falsely accusing him of having extramarital affairs with other women and sexually abusing an Iranian woman. Rakhi hits back at Adil.
"I had a uterus operation sometime back. After marriage with Adil, I wanted to have a kid," Rakhi said in the video. Her doctor came on the video and said, "Rakhi can become a mother. Her uterus is fine."
Rakhi accused Adil of assaulting her and taking away her money and jewellery from her flat without her knowledge. Following this, Rakhi Sawant s husband Adil Durrani has been arrested by Mumbai Police.
Reportedly, a rift in Rakhi and Adil s relationship began to appear when the former got into an ugly spat with Sherlyn Chopra over Sajid Khan s participation in Bigg Boss 16.