The BJP on Tuesday announced the names of candidates who will be contesting the by- elections for two Rajya Sabha seats in Gujarat, where polls will be held on March 1. The state BJP s OBC Morcha president Dinesh Anavadiya and Ram Mokariya, the founder-chairman of a courier company, will contest the bypolls. Anavadiya, a senior party leader from Banaskantha district, has served as the director of the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation between 2014-17. While Mokariya said he has remained a dedicated party worker for over four decades. I have been a party worker for the last 45 years and am happy that the party has nominated me as a candidate for the Rajya Sabha election, he said.
The Rajya Sabha clocked 99 per cent productivity during the two-week long first part of the dual phase Budget session of Parliament, Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu said Friday. The House broke for a three-week recess on Friday after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman s reply to a discussion on the budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1. The recess will allow parliamentary committees to examine the budget allocation for various ministries.
Parliament will now meet on March 8 for the second part of the Budget session. I am happy to inform you that this part of the session has been quite productive with the House clocking 99 per cent productivity, Naidu said before adjourning the proceedings till March 8.
Rajya Sabha on Tuesday bid farewell to four retiring members of the Upper House with Deputy Chairman Harivansh heaping lavish praise on the leader of the Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad, terming him a repository of rich experiences. The veteran Congress leader and Nazir Ahmed Laway (PDP) will retire on February 15 while the terms of Mir Mohammad Fayaz (PDP) and Shamsher Singh Manhas (BJP) will end on February 10. It was my fortune that I got to sit next to Ghulam Nabi Azad in the House. He has connected the entire country with Jammu and Kashmir. I have not come across a person like him who has such rich experiences. Have learnt a lot from his guidance, decency, conduct., Harivansh said.