Raju Srivastava s fans, friends and relatives gathered outside his home in Kanpur to pay heartfelt tribute to the late comedian. He passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 58 while undergoing treatment in AIIMS.
Raju Srivastava s last rites will take place at Nigam Bodh Ghat in Delhi on September 22 as confirmed by his family. The comedian breathed his last on Wednesday after being in the ICU for 41 days. Many celebrities offered their condolences to him and his family as well. Raju Srivastava’s Funeral To Be Held in Nigam Bodh Ghat in Delhi on September 22.
Raju Srivastava was a big fan of Amitabh Bachchan. When Amitabh Bachchan suffered an injury during the shoot of Coolie , Raju Srivastava rushed to Mumbai to see the actor.