Producer Raju Bharti's horror film Bera - Ek Aghori, presented by Dhiral Entertainment, will be releasing simultaneously across all theaters on 28th | BLiTZ
Kanshi Ramâs Bahujan movement was also cultural, not just political
Kanshi Ramâs Bahujan movement was also cultural, not just political
BSP s diminishing political power doesn t mean all is lost for the Bahujan movement. Kanshi Ram Jayanti is a reminder the anti-caste revolution is alive among the masses.
Kalyani 14 March, 2021 8:30 am IST Text Size:
Kanshi Ram, a charismatic Bahujan leader, believed that a society in which the non-political roots are not strong, is bound to fail in its political aspirations as well. It is easy to write off the Bahujan Samaj Party because of its recent political misfortunes, but it would be a grave error to look at Kanshi Ram’s Bahujan revolution as merely political. The bedrock of all his meetings and mobilisations was a cultural revival.