'Aashiqui' starring Rahul Roy and Anu Aggarwal was a blockbuster hit. It ran houseful in the theatres for 6 months which also helped Rahul Roy become an overnight star. The actor, as soon as 'Aashiqui' was released, had not one or two but 60 films in his kitty.
After this, Rahul Roy's back-to-back films like 'Phir Teri Yaad Aayi', 'Jaanam', 'Sapne Saajan Ke', 'Gumrah', and 'Majhdaar'. But, in none of them, Rahul could impress people with his acting.
These celebrities have faced the odds and made it through the other side and welcomed love in their hearts again. Maybe not first time lucky, but people can always be lucky in love again and these celebrities are proving that every day. | Tellychakkar.com
Samir Soni has become a popular name in Bollywood now. The actor has made his mark in the industry and is known to one and all. But, his life has not be.
Samir Soni recently his memoir, My Experiments With Silence: The Diary Of An Introvert, in which the actor talks about his marriage with Rajlakshmi Khanvilkar.