Popular filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi has been sentenced to two years in jail and fined Rs 2 crore by a court in Gujarat's Jamnagar in a cheque return case. The court has allowed Santoshi's appeal for a 30-day stay on the order to allow him to challenge the verdict in higher court.
A Jamnagar Court noted that Santoshi had admitted to the execution of the cheque, which led to the presumption in favor of the complainant that the cheque was issued to him for discharge of a legal debt.
Rajkumar Santoshi has been sentenced to two years in jail and fined ₹2 crore in a cheque bounce case. He intends to appeal the verdict in a higher court. - Rajkumar Santoshi Gets Bail Within 24 Hours in Cheque Bounce Case
Renowned Bollywood director Rajkumar Santoshi faces a two-year jail term and hefty fine for a cheque bounce case, prompting legal action from a local businessman., Hindi News, Times Now