Riya Sharma is playing the role of Dr Tulika in Banni Chow Home Delivery. She is winning a lot of hearts with her performance on the show. Tellychakkar recently got in touch with the actress and got to interesting insights about the show and her character. | Tellychakkar.com
Tellychakkar is back with another BTS update from your favorite show. We are always at the forefront of delivering Tv news from our tellytown to our viewers. Banni is trying very hard to bring back Yuvan. Currently, Banni is upset to leave Yuvan and marry Agastya as she loves him a lot. | Tellychakkar.com
Tellychakkar is back with another BTS update from your favorite show. We are always at the forefront of delivering Tv news from our tellytown to our viewers. Recently, Ulka Gupta shared a video of her along with her co-star Pravisht Mishra and seems like they are having some fun behind the scenes, waiting for their shot to be ready. | Tellychakkar.com
Ulka Gupta is currently playing the lead role in Banni Chow Home Delivery. She is winning a lot of hearts with her performance on the show. Tellychakkar recently got in touch with the actress and got interesting insights about the show and her character. | Tellychakkar.com
Yuvaan has split personality disorder and the shift is very sudden plus instant. Split personality disorder is a mental health issue and it seems like the makers are not taking this seriously and only care about creating drama. The netizens have expressed disappointment regarding the same saying mental health cannot be treated this way. | Tellychakkar.com