News has reached us that a Haryana police inspector has asked a complainant to translate his complaint in Hindi and submit it for further investigations into an FIR which was registered about more than three years back. Not that it’s because the investigator comes from the Jat heartland, Rohta
HE was from a remote village in Nepal and said it took him three days to reach his village and his kin. He must have been 45 then. Bahadur, as we called him, did not speak much. He would cook, serve w
Having had a fill of tasting Scotch whiskey at different distilleries, we craved to have a bucolic feel of the Scottish Highlands and its people. Hopping over the lochs and canals, setting the friendl
BIRTHDAYS and anniversaries have been celebrated in our household since the days of my grandfather. As per the lunar month, he was born on the Teej of Sawan. He always awaited his birthday as an emoti