Reigning queen Nandini Gupta recently took to Instagram to pay tribute to her heritage, sharing a series of stunning photos adorned in traditional Rajasthani attire. Nandini, who hails from Kota, Rajasthan, has always been proud of her roots and often showcases the rich culture and traditions of her home state. In the photos, she is seen wearing an intricately designed lehenga and dupatta, complemented by elaborate jewellery that epitomizes the elegance of Rajasthani craftsmanship. Her look was completed with traditional accessories, including a <em>maang tikka</em> and bangles, reflecting the regal heritage of Rajasthan.<br /><br />Nandini's appreciation for her heritage is palpable. In a recent conversation, she shared her deep connection to Rajasthani culture and its unique blend of history and hospitality. "Rajasthani culture is a beautiful amalgamation of culture, heritage, the yummiest food, and hospitality. Love and serenity surround you when yo
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MUMBAI :Talking about the onscreen Gangaur celebrations in her show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, actress Pranali Rathod says that, "This is such a vibrant time on the show. |