The Congress on Saturday alleged a huge scam in the Shanti Nagar Awas Yojana at Saheed Nagar in the city, which is a slum rehabilitation project in the PPP mode between the BDA and the Parmita Smart Infra Private Limited meant for economically weaker sections (EWS)
The private partner Parmita
At least four persons were killed while six others were injured in a collision between a car and a carrier vehicle on Madiki National Highway in East Godavari
The Bar Council of Delhi had issued a notice on April 13 making aadhaar and voter identity cards bearing address of Delhi-NCR, mandatory for enrolment.
The Bar Council of India has told the Delhi High Court that domicile of a law graduate is not a condition for enrolment with a State Bar Council as per law and that no other State Bar Council except.