Current Pixel Owners Will Get to Keep Unlimited Storage in Google Photos After June
Filed to:ayyagari
Photo: Sam Rutherford
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A lot of people are going to have to make a hard decision later this summer when Google removes support for unlimited storage from Google Photos, but current Pixel owners aren’t one of them.
Photo: Sam Rutherford
A lot of people are going to have to make a hard decision later this summer when Google removes support for unlimited storage from Google Photos, but current Pixel owners aren’t one of them.
With the upcoming change to Google Photos, anyone with more than 15GB of photos or videos will be forced to move their data elsewhere or pay Google for additional storage space. However, in a recent update on Twitter, the project manager for Google Photos, Raja Ayygari, posted an update announcing that HQ uploads (pictures under 16-MP) from “Pixels 2-5 will continue to be free and unlimited after June 1st.”