Jitin Prasad exit: Time to rescue the party from the parivar? June 9, 2021, 10:04 PM IST
Shehzad Poonawalla is a contributor at Times Now. He tweets at Shehzad Ind
Today, as yet another young turk in the form of Jitin Prasada leaves the Congress party and dumps the Gandhi family to join the BJP I feel a sense of vindication all over again. Jitin’s departure from the Congress much like Jyotiraditya Scindia’s is merely the symptom of a larger disease that continues to plague the Congress namely putting the Gandhi Parivar over performance and accountability , sychophancy and darbari culture over merit, running the party like a feudal fiefdom almost like a Qabila of sorts without making any accommodation for regional satraps with diverse political aspirations, a complete lack of internal democracy compounded by a hyper sensitivity and intolerance for any dissent against the 1st family and a complete unwillingness to overhaul the rusted or