As this year’s Earth Day approaches, it can be good to know that there are groups and organizations in Falls Church advocating for a healthier, environmenta .
Fundraiser to Benefit Women’s Scholarships The AAUW Scholarship Fundraiser will be held at Pizzeria Orso on Wednesday, April 26, to kick off its effort in s .
Potential Start Times At F.C. Schools Shared For Feedback Community feedback is being collected on potential new start times for Falls Church City Public Schools. If approved, the school district says the new start times wouldn’t start until the 2024-2025 school year. The School Board is conside .
Local Water Spring Flushing Currently Happening Fairfax Water’s annual program may cause a temporary change in taste and odor through May 15th, 2023. Each spring, Fairfax Water flushes its water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time. They do t .