his energy plans, his jobs plan, the first stage he has been attacked and criticized for not having a plan and he s bringing it out today. he was on american morning an hour and a half ago and one of the highlights i thought was the comment about his wife. in south carolina making some interesting comments. take a listen to what she said and what he said this morning. it has been a rough month. we have been brutalized, by the press and brutalized by our opponents and our party. down on this as anita seemed? you know, family members always take these campaigns than the candidate. i have been doing this for a long time and that s a diversion, frankly. this is the big leagues. everybody understands it s about the presidency of the united states and we re committed to this campaign. you know, some pundits criticizing perry, is he really into this? perry says, yes, i am. kyra? we re also hearing more from perry with regard to the mormon issue this morning. he briefly t